My daughter and I love Art, so when we visited Orpington High Street and saw a sign asking us to discover all the artworks on the high street, you bet, we set out a day to visit and locate all the Artworks! 14 of them!
And we were not disappointed!
The Learning Trail featured eye-catching, colourful artwork with a variety of information for kids! Very informative too.
Artwork No. 1: The Welcome to Orpington sign :)
The first artwork, each artwork had a clue, with its number that would direct you to it. My daughter was thrilled by the fact that a Mushroom was the clue to locate each artwork.
Artwork No. 2
Janis and I liked the "I am a Tree" image
Artwork No. 3
A little of bit science; this had information about plants and bees. A little knowledge never hurts! I have the image stored, so next time when my kids ask a question about pollination, I can whip out my camera and show them this image, right?
Artwork No. 4
The Cute Little House, we took a lot of pictures of this house :)
Artwork No. 5
Notice the chart under the mushroom? For a while, we stood wondering where the 5th artwork was, as we had discovered the clue: a mushroom with number 5! Until we realised the art was the information underneath the mushroom with a maths question! Very creative! Art number 5 found. "So if you had £20, what would you buy at Mr Simms Orpington?"
Artwork No. 6
We counted and named all the animals in the picture! By this time we were very excited, we had located and taken pictures of most of the artworks! 6 down, 8 more to go!
Artwork Number 7
Janis located this, immediately we walked into the centre :) Hard to miss. Notice the wall art in the far corner? That is the 8th Artwork and my favorite.
Artwork No. 8
This in my opinion is the best of all! A whole wall of art! Beautiful and well illustrated. And it passed a message about diversity. Really beautiful message :)
Artwork No. 9
The coloured staircase. While taking the pictures, I was really impressed with all the effort and creativity that had been put into creating these beautiful artworks.
Artwork No. 10
Flowers! Different flowers and their names painted on. And Janis was only to excited to show me the clue: Mushroom with number 10 painted on it.
Artwork No. 11
The Recycle Bin! A very fun and creative way to teach kids about recycling.
Artwork 12
Loved the tree with the pink branches.
Artwork 13
Stop. Look. Listen. I am always telling my kids to always do that especially if they come to a zebra crossing, so I was glad to explain, using these images to explain to Janis, the importance of doing all 3, before she crosses the road.
Artwork 14
This particular clue was very misleading, even though we found the mushroom on the floor. We thought the 14th artwork was the zebra hand painted on the road. But we discovered that the sign was actually the last artwork! The Spanish words were actually teaching! Learning through Art :)
And finally the big zebra drawn over the zebra crossing :)
There you have it! The Orpington Learning Trail; beautiful and educative artworks on the high street. Learning through art, the Enchanted Learning Trail works to engage children in the arts which is good because after our sojourn on Orpington High Street, my 6 year old daughter who is crazy about arts is looking forward to seeing what other works they would create:) You can download the worksheet with a map of the learning trail from
Its fun and educative and one of the things you should do with your kids this Summer, especially if you have a daughter like mine, who loves colours and art :), So get your camera out and a bottle of water out and start the trek on the high street, your kids won't be disappointed! Don't forget to download the map from the website.
Well-done to the entire Team at Enchanted Fest; Beautiful work :)